The Hester J Hodgdon (HJH) Libraries for All Foundation was formed in 2003 to support the San Juan del Sur Biblioteca Pública y Móvil, the first lending library in Nicaragua and its Mobile Project. The Library has a collection of books, houses a free educational media lab for the community, and a large classroom space and patio that is available for outreach activities such as teaching English as a second language, providing public health information and clinics, craft activities, and more. In 2019 the Library installed a 3D printing center, Sueños3D, and in 2022 the staff began offering classes in 3D modeling and printing to local high school students.

The Mobile Project, an outgrowth of the main Library initiated in 2003 to six rural communities, now brings books, arts & crafts, and educational activities to 37 rural communities on a monthly basis. This program offers children access to reading materials in their schools and homes that would otherwise be unavailable. As a regularly-scheduled community service, the Mobile Project serves as a vital link between remote communities and the town of San Juan del Sur.
The Library in a Box Recipient Program was established in 2005 to assist other organizations to create lending libraries and community center programs. Fifty-five programs have been established in Nicaragua and support is offered through the HJH Foundation with workshops, book donations, and mentoring by the San Juan del Sur Biblioteca staff. Over the years, the Foundation has expanded its mission to promote literacy and sustainable lending libraries in Nicaragua and throughout Central America. We have developed a number of protocols for people to follow if they would like to initiate a lending library in Central America. Every project we take on, connects to our Seven Aspects of Sustainability model to ensure that it is sustainable and beneficial to the communities that have access to the services.
The Hester J. Hodgdon Libraries for All Foundation is a tax exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) established to support the SJDS Biblioteca Pública y Móvil and promote lending libraries in Nicaragua.
- GRIP internship
- University scholarships
- Partnership with community leaders
- Starting careers with room to grow
- Access to books
- Access to technology
- Scholarship programs
- School supplies
- Encouragement to learn
- Water and sanitation improvements
- School food storage
- “Nica’s helping Nica’s”
- Partnership with community programs
- Sustainable projects
- Low maintenace projects
- Support of local vendors and artisans
- Trade learning opportunities
- Recycling and trash partnerships
- Ecotourism
- Female empowerment
- Job creation
- Trade learning opportunities
- Safe meeting place
- Volunteer tourism
- GRIP internship
- Fundraising and education outreach
- Service learning trips